We are excited to be offering a new dance team for dancers interested in doing fun community performances throughout the year. In the past we would just randomly pick classes that were more fit for the performance and have realized it would be more effective to just have a core group of dancers set for the entire year. We take pride in performing at PROJECT SLIDE so these dancers will be pushed and required to make a commitment. If you already have a busy schedule and just love Project Slide classes they way they are and don’t care to perform or have your child be challenged or pushed in a more disciplined environment then sticking to our fun and great recreational classes is highly recommended. There is still a chance your child will be chosen to perform at some point. We have inspired and brought out the best in so many dancers we have created the SLIDE SPIRIT dance team to give them more fun opportunities to perform in the community and learn ‘dance team’ style dances.
This is a great way to get more involved in dance and gain performance experience!
We will select dancers at the beginning of the season ages 6-12 that display a genuine love for dance, passion for more performance, positive attitude, great focus in class, great attendance, and displays a strong grasp of hip hop technique. Dancers must have danced at Slide for a full dance season already. (Unless dancers display exceptional technique and the Director approves)
Dancers will need to attend at minimum 3 of the September Monday Rehearsals.
The studio dance team is a complimentary class for Ovation students. There is no additional monthly tuition fee to participate. (Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 1 other class)
Students will need to purchase a team a SLIDE T-shirt, Hoodie, and Sweatpants for their performances.These will be ordered in August, a total of $95 payment due by September 7h. We will use the same uniform top that we had during the previous season, only new members will need to purchase this top.
Performances may include:
Sporting Events
Studio Events
And more!
Keep in mind that if you are not selected for this dance team it doesn’t mean that you won’t get a chance to perform sometime throughout the year. This is just a more organized way for us to have dancers in place if performance opportunities pop up during the season.