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Project Slide has been working hard to provide the safest dance experience for our dance family. We have been SUCCESSFULLY open since August 2020! Please carefully review our policies and procedures so we can continue to keep our dance family safe. We will continue to monitor all local government, CDC guidelines, and COVID-19 updates and adjust accordingly.
Mask will be required for all dancers an


Required Notice

Following is a required notice under O.C.G.A. 51-16-3. 

WARNING - Any person entering the premises waives all civil liability against this premise's owner and operator for any injuries caused by the inherent risk associated with contracting COVID-19 at public gatherings, except for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional infliction of harm, by the individual or entity of the premises.  O.C.G.A. 51-16-3



  • No one may enter the studio if they are showing any symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or other respiratory symptoms; or any member of their household has had or been in contact with any person who had or has been lab-tested positive for COVID-19 


  • Students should arrive dressed and ready for class; Please use the restroom prior to arrival, the bathroom will be available for toilet use only, not for changing clothes


  • If your child has several classes back to back please have them dress so they can easily change or not have to; Dress codes will be simplified to avoid changing of clothes 


  • To help with social distancing we ask that parent/guardian remain in their cars when dropping off, a Slide staff member will be at the door as students enter


  • Please do not drop off and leave your child early; dancers will be allowed to enter 5 min before the start of their class time


  • Dancers will be required to wash hands and/or sanitize their hands upon entering and exiting classes, sanitizing stations will be available in each studio. 


  • We will have staggered class times to minimize traffic between classes and to allow for proper studio sanitizing between classes 


  • Dancers will be required to bring their own labeled water bottle; bottled water may also be purchased and charged to your card on file at the studio, no cash accepted at this time


  • Dancers will be limited to one average size drawstring bag; No large backpacks will be allowed


  • Each dancer will be required to dance in their designated square, which is each taped 6 feet apart; dancers are not allowed to hug, touch, or high five each other


  • Studio Lobby will be closed until further notice, parent/guardian must wait outside or in your vehicle until students are dismissed or unless there is an emergency


  • Doors will be opened to increase ventilation during indoor classes


  • A Slide staff member will bring dancers to the door to meet their parent/guardian at class dismissal time.


  • If a parent/guardian is not present at the time of dismissal dancer will wait in the studio lobby. Once parent/guardian arrives, please wait outside until your dancer is released by Slide staff.


  • Temperatures of staff will be taken upon entrance 


  • Masks are required for all dancers, staff, and anyone entering the studio


  • If a dancer fails to comply with wearing a mask or with social distancing rules they will be sent home 


  • For outdoor classes masks are required to have in the event we have to go inside due to inclement weather


  • We will have a staff member going around each room cleaning the "hot touch spots” including bathrooms and door handles. 


  • Safety signage and sanitizing stations will be posted around the studio for student and staff use.  


  • Any dancer that shows signs of illness will be asked to get picked up immediately. 

Studio A



Studio B

Studio Class Capacity Chart

Mini Classes Studio A: 15
Mini Classes in Studio B: 15-20

Junior Teen/Studio A: 15
Junior Teen Studio B: 15-20

Studio C: 10 
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